Hospital Universitario La Zarzuela Madrid


Humanised Birth Unit

Sanitas Hospitals has launched a humanised birth protocol that will provide personalised care to all women and encourage minimal intervention during labour, provided that the safety of the mother and her child are ensured.

Natural childbirth refers to births that are assisted without using therapeutic procedures that alter the process's physiology. Assistance for natural childbirth likewise mainly consists of the childbirth assistants monitoring the condition of the mother and the child, and providing psychological and labour assistance to the mother and her family.


  • Encouraging the childbirth process with as little intervention as possible to ensure the safety of the mother and her child, without eliminating the possibilities for control and rapid action offered by the hospital's childbirth facilities. Childbirth assistance is provided based on the general principle that birth is a physiological process that only s intervention to correct any deviations that are out of the ordinary.
  • Offering personalised care based on the mother's needs, respecting her decisions as long as they will not compromise her safety and well-being or that of her child, and that they will not unacceptably decrease sanitary procedures.
  • Encouraging a climate of trust, safety and intimacy, respecting the mother's privacy, dignity and confidentiality.



  • Informational document. It is very important for expectant mothers to accept the offer being proposed by the wellness centre for childbirth. Therefore, the obstetric team will inform all mothers, explaining the childbirth procedures in terms that are easy to understand. Certain specific interventions may also that the expectant mother sign a consent form.
  • If there is any abnormal deviation at any time, the childbirth assistance team may (after notifying the mother) apply the treatment it deems necessary.
  • The wellness centre's professionals are solely and exclusively responsible, and they are in charge of making decisions from the moment the mother is checked in. No other professionals shall have decision making capacity, even if they have previously intervened in the mother's care.



  • Appropriate spaces for assisting in the childbirth process. The labour rooms are individual, so that the expectant mother can be accompanied by her partner or person of her choosing, preserving the intimacy of the moment.
  • The proper resources for providing personalised care during labour.
  • During the entire childbirth process, ensuring the well-being of the mother and her child before and after birth.
  • An area nearby care can be provided in the event of complications(an operating room or delivery room surgical interventions can be performed).




This is the period in which the contractions become rhythmic and intense, and cause the cervix to shorten and dilate. Once the active stage of labour s and admission takes place, the following will be performed:

  • Usual clinical and obstetric assessment.
  • Assessment of the mother's needs.
  • Channelling of an IV.
  • Pain management.
  • Foetal control.
  • Assessment of the progress of labour.
  • Emotional support.

This is the period that covers the final dilation until the full delivery of the foetus to the outside. During this stage, the active collaboration of the mother is essential to achieve the delivery of the baby. If the conditions of the delivery make it possible, the mother may be accompanied by whomever she likes. In this stage:

  • Foetal control
  • Shaving
  • Episiotomy, if d
  • Delivery
  • Hygiene precautions
This is the period in which the separation and expulsion of the placenta, the umbilical cord and the membranes takes place. Here, among other things, the general state, vital signs, uterine contraction, blood loss, etc. will be controlled.

Download the Humanised Birth Manual here

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