Patient care quality, looking after you, is our maximum priority. Therefore, we put all our working capacity, innovation and efficiency towards it. And we are recognised for it.
The Sanitas hospitals La Zarzuela and La Moraleja have obtained the Joint Commission International accreditation, the most rigorous and recognised certification of excellence in the world, areas such as care, specialisation, research and training are highlighted.
The Gold Seal of Approval® is a registered trademark owned by Joint Commission International and is used with permission.
The Institute for the Development and Integration of Health (IDIS, for the Spanish acronym) awarded Sanitas Hospitals the QH certification with its maximum level of 3 stars. This distinction shows the effort that every medical centre and professional at Sanitas Hospitals makes each day to ensure that the care given to patients and relatives reaches the highest levels of quality.
This international standard promotes the adoption of a process-based focus when developing, implementing and improving the efficiency of a quality management system, based in turn on the PDCA (Plan, Do, Check, Act) continuous improvement cycle.
The purpose of this verification is to ensure, independently, that the declaration made relating to greenhouse gas emissions, through the emissions report drafted, is complete. In the Quality section, you can access the full report.
This certification establishes the ments for an Energy Management System, in order to make continuous and systematic improvements in terms of the energy performance of organisations.
The adoption of a Universal Accessibility Management Systemguarantees all persons, regardless of age or disability, the same possibilities to access any part of the constructed environment and to use and enjoy the services provided therein with the maximum possible autonomy.
This certification standardises the environmental aspects of each of the activities we develop. It promotes environmental protection and pollution prevention.
The initiative for the humanization of assistance at birth and breastfeeding (BFHI)is a strategy launched to encourage health professionals to adopt practices that protect, promote and support exclusive breastfeeding from birth.
Sanitas Hospitals centres welcome the exhibition to bring the population closer to the world of prematurity on World Prematurity Day.The exhibition will be available in the ...
This recognition is considered the gold standard in global care within the hospital sphere.The Sanitas hospitals are the only two in Madrid to hold this distinction, including ...